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Nicholas Evan Bennett  
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Race: White/Caucasian
Height: 6 ft. 0 in. (182.88 cm)
Weight: 155 lbs. (70.308 kg)
Waist: 32
Neck: 16-34 shirt
Suit: 42
Shoe Size: 10
Hat Size: 7
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short
Contact Information
City: Del Mar
State: California
Country: United States
Metro Area: San Diego California United States
Availability: San Diego California United States
Availability: Los Angeles California United States
I am slim/athletic and have an attractive appearance. I have a habit of doing crunches and aerobic work-out routines. When I was young I was a Dare-Devil skiier. ie jump off cliffs, etc. I moved to San Diego from Colorado in 2001 and I am a graduate of CU, Boulder Business School. I like beaches, horse racing, smoking cigars, poker, and I ride a beach cruiser on the Mission Beach Boardwalk (similar to Santa Monica). I have a flexible schedule as I am self-employed as a Realtor. I am a good swimmer and am very comfortable in just a pair of shorts. ALL PHOTOS ARE LESS THAN ONE YEAR OLD.
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